Workshop: Native Plant Gardening 101 – Friedrich Wilderness Park

Gardening with native plants can beautify our yards, save water, and support insects, birds and other wildlife. But how do we begin?

Haeley Giambalvo, author of Native Plant Gardening for Beginners, will explain the basics of native-plant gardening: planning, plant selecting, planting, maintaining, and more!

We’ll also explore the Texas native plants around the Friedrich Wilderness Park classroom building and chat with Haeley after the presentation.

CLICK HERE to register.

Program details:

Do you want to start gardening with more Texas native plants? Just a few small changes to what you are growing can make a big impact in terms of supporting more insects, birds and other wildlife.

Native plant “newbie” Haeley Giambalvo has spent the last two years incorporating native plants among her traditional San Antonio landscaping. Becoming a native plant gardener is easy! No need to overhaul your entire landscaping, sacrifice your aesthetic, or remove all your grass. You can support more insects and wildlife, one plant at a time. In this presentation, Haeley will show you step-by-step how to:


1) Pick the best area in your yard to start growing native plants

2) Prep your garden bed like a pro to save time and prevent weeds

3) Choose the Texas native plants that will make a big impact in your yard

4) Make smart design choices before putting a plant in the ground

5) Keep your garden looking great with the right maintenance plan


You’ll leave the workshop with a list of great Texas native plants and a roadmap to help make your native garden a reality!

Program partners:

Alamo Area Chapter – Texas Master Naturalists

Friends of San Antonio Natural Areas


Oct 15 2022


10:00 am - 11:00 am
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